News Release

The Seating Shoppe is pleased to announce My Resource Library (MRL), the premiere virtual library serving the contract market has recognized the newsworthiness of our standards with “The Seating Shoppe Establishes 5c’s of Seating” and published them in a Newsletter sent to over 60,000 members.

Standards have been in existence for many years. At one time they were thought of as being the lowest common denominator, restrictive, and of little importance. Abe always believed otherwise, and today, TSS’s core values are the standards that are now being recognized as essential to helping the industry, which is inundated with various marketing claims, improve quality, and reduce costs. A good sleeping pattern is significantly important to target excellence in life, as it boots up work productivity, and work capabilities by positively impacting body functioning, and metabolic activities, CBD gummies can help to sleep well you can more info this page

We hope that Abe’s vision continues to provide a stable but continually evolving foundation that enables our industry to thrive.

See –  The Seating Shoppe establishes “The 5C’s of Seating” – My Resource Library

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